Intellectual Property Licensing to Illini New Companies (IP-Linc)
Intellectual Property Licensing to Illini New Companies (IP-Linc) is a new initiative designed to increase University support and reduce costs for eligible participants interested in commercializing UIUC research through the formation of a startup company.
As a participant, the program will connect you with a team of experienced commercialization, intellectual property, and investment professionals to help you explore your interest, vet your business idea, and guide you toward the resources to achieve your personal and business goals. As you progress through IP-Linc, you gain access to UIUC intellectual property through a streamlined option and license agreement with startup-friendly, preset terms.
Deadline: Proposals accepted on a rolling basis.
Cancer Center at Illinois Tissue Engineering and Phenotyping Utilization Grants
The Cancer Center at Illinois is providing funding support to researchers for their utilization of the Tumor Engineering and Phenotyping (TEP) shared resource to advance cancer research. Via this initiative, the CCIL will provide up to $5,000 in support for the use of TEP services which include, but are not limited to: tumor cell bank, cell line authentication by STR analysis, mycoplasma test, Seahorse Xfe96 analyzer, NanoString nCounter, and PFGE. Did you know you can request any tumor cell line from TEP at $120/cell line? All CCIL members are eligible for free consultations with TEP staff.
Deadline: Proposals accepted on a rolling basis.
Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Core Programs
The NSF Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) supports transformative research and education projects that develop new knowledge in all aspects of computing, communications, and information science and engineering, as well as advanced cyberinfrastructure, through multiple research programs across one office and three divisions. This RFP is a revision of NSF 20-591, the solicitation for the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE): Core Programs. As part of this revision, proposers are encouraged to pay particular attention to the following:
- Innovating and migrating proposal preparation and submission capabilities from FastLane to is part of the ongoing NSF information technology modernization efforts, as described in Important Notice No. 147 . In support of these efforts, research proposals submitted in response to this program solicitation must be prepared and submitted via or via, and may not be prepared or submitted via FastLane.
- The budget limits for Small projects and OAC Core projects have been increased to $600,000.
- Large project class submissions will not be accepted in response to this solicitation; CISE anticipates issuing a separate solicitation for such submissions.
- Instructions for submitting Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) plans have been revised, along with special award conditions and reporting requirements for BPC activities.
Deadline: varies depending on project scale.
COVID-19 Research Grant Program
The COVID-19 Research Database enables public health and policy researchers to use real-world data to better understand and combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The database is a pro-bono, cross-industry collaborative, composed of institutions donating technology services, healthcare expertise, and de-identified data. The database holds a wide array of different data types, including claims data, EHR data, mortality data, consumer data, and lab data. The data includes over 5 billion records across over 250 million people and over 2 million people who have had documented COVID-19.
The Consortia has released a request for grant proposals to support studies that will use data in the COVID-19 Research Database to address major research questions and reduce the harm of the current COVID-19 pandemic. The program seeks to accelerate insight that will lead to best practice medical interventions and appropriately targeted mitigation policies for COVID-19 patients and health care systems. It also seeks to meaningfully contribute to the understanding of COVID’s effects on health care economics, the uptake of new technologies, and other dynamics in communities, systems and across countries.
Proposal deadline: varies.